Friday, November 26, 2010


Mmmmm a new fave song. "No it don't come easy, no it don't come fast." True love I would take it is what they are referring to. Reminds me that all great things come with time. I'll wait forever if i have to, for that true love that I know I can't settle any less for. I've tried dating a few guys here and there but unfortunately I need it all. I want someone who sets me on fire so to speak, I mean the fireworks, the laughter, things in common, those conversations that last for hours even months after you've gone out. I need every ounce of it. I want the love most people don't wait on. Life is simply to short to settle for less than EVERYTHING you've ever wanted, and its long enough to wait on it. I think the way I will know is the connection. I spoke with a friend who feels the same about their sibling so I know its not all me ;) . I have the strongest connection with my brother. He makes me feel connected to the world. Like no matter what he gets me and I get him. I usually know when he is sad and can usually feel his pain and share it with him. It's like he's my "brother soul mate". Like we've done this a few times around. I can't imagine ever losing him, im not so certain I could do it. So when I feel that connection plus more then I will know. Because I don't think I could settle for less than that intense connection.

That being said it can be discouraging when I see most people who aren't really happy. Your husband should NEVER put you down. I can't imagine marrying someone who didn't make me happier than anyone in the world. I don't ever want to think that I could be happier with anyone else. I know some people think I am being unrealistic but I don't agree. Although these people are few and far between, I have seen true love. They keep me content in waiting and never settling on less than what I deserve and well have to have. So i've definitely been rambling in this post but well its black friday and i had to get up at 3:45 to work. And im also avoiding my reports. i better get to it. listen to the song its fantastic.

btw 4 more months until seattle. Oh! And im so excited! I get to go to vegas for 2 weeks at the end of december for work. Which means new years in vegas!! woot!!!