This is a phrase I hear by many including myself. Deodorant, pesticides, GMO foods, margarine, makeup, processed foods, soda, soap, shampoo, household cleaners....the list never ends. If everything has toxins or can attribute to some kind of disease why should I even bother right?
WHAT?? Think about this guys, we have become so used to the idea that products we use daily by ingesting, putting on the most porous spots on our body, or even inhaling are KILLING US!!! These products are killing us and we are ok with it! Please tell me you see what's wrong with this picture.
I had this realization and started replacing some of my daily products. I began by replacing my deodorant. I first must give credit to Shawn, he has been using non-aluminum deodorant for over a year now and finally I gave in. If he is going to try and keep his mental health for me then It's only fair to do the same for him.
My first step was searching the internet for answers. The best answer I came up with was lemons. Yes lemons. You cut open a lemon and simply apply it to your underarms. Verdict? It does work. But only for about 4 hours and if you have just shaved....ouch! Lucky for me I came across an article on facebook about the uses of coconut oil. One of the uses is deodorant. I will explain below the process but if you haven't checked her out it's a must
This blog led me to all the uses of coconut oil. My friend Kyle had already boosted about coconut oil and its benefits. With his advice I had bought some to begin baking with but with this blog it opened up my eyes to the benefits and uses my new favorite ingredient can be used for. The URL below is a great example of all the amazing uses of coconut oils.
So to keep this blog from being too long and tedious I will list out a few things I have began to replace in my life with coconut oil and how I did it! Cheers to living forever!
We have all heard for a few years now have dangerous regular deodorant can be. The aluminum is not only bad on the environment it is absolutely horrible for us. The use of deodorant by some reports been linked to breast cancer, azlhimers, and other possible diseases. So I have began by using a recipe I stated above by There are 2 recipes; one which only has 4 ingredients but unfortuantely in the summer it will melt and the second recipe has beeswax in it which allows it to be more solid when room temperature in your home is not an option.
Overall with my first batch (using the simple recipe) I have found that the deodorant smells wonderful (like coconuts), lasts for about 4 hours for sweating and about 6 until I'm not smelling so coconutty anymore.... The second recipe calls for probiotics which are said to help fight the bad bacteria and will increase the longevity of the deodorant. I am planning on making another batch here in the next week and will keep you updated. Also if you want a sample I can send you one to try as well!
2nd recipe:
- 1/2 cup coconut oil
- 1/2 cup shea butter, cocoa butter or mango butter (or a mix of all three equal to 1 part)
- 1/2 cup + 1 tsp beeswax
- optional: Vitamin E oil to preserve. I added 1 tsp vitamin E oil for this recipe)
- 3 tablespoons baking soda (Omit this if you have sensitive skin and just use extra arrowroot)
- 1/2 cup organic arrowroot powder
- 2-3 capsules of high quality probiotics that don’t need to be refrigerated (I love Bio Kult brand)
- optional: Essential oils of choice – I used about 20 drops of lavender essential oil
I know, butter is delicious and we use it for almost everything. On toast, when I make eggs, when baking etc. However margarine especially is made of preservatives and tons of Genetically processed oils. So I have found for grilling on the stove, baking, or simply for adding it to to your morning toast coconut oil is an amazing substitute. For my calorie counting friends by looking directly at the labels you may actually find coconut oil has around 10 more calories per serving and has a high amount of saturated fats. However if you do some research other than the fact that coconut oil is all natural you will find the ingredients are more beneficial and it has been thought that coocount oil can actually help you loose weight.
How does coconut help keep weight balanced?
Coconut fats have special fats called medium chain triglycerides (MCTs). It has been shown that breaking down these types of healthy fats in the liver leads to efficient burning of energy. One 2009 study found that women who consumed 30 milliliters (about 2 tablespoons) of coconut oil daily for 12 weeks not only did not gain more weight, but actually had lowered amounts of abdominal fat, a type of fat that is difficult to lose, and contributes to more heart problems.
Check out this url for more info on the benefits of coconut oil
Energy booster
In the mornings I have found myself pretty sluggish and tired. However most days I do not want to have coffee since I will simply get super hyper and then crash. So I have began by again listening to the advice of wellnessmama and trying coconut oil and chia seeds. Since I think chia seeds are absolutely disgusting I used the advice of my friend Andie and put the concoction in my oatmeal every morning.
I have found that I do feel much more alert and I do not become hungry quite as quickly as I normally would on just oatmeal.
Some benefits of coconut oil and chia seeds:
Over 10x the amount of Lipids than most grains or seeds.
• More Omega 3 than any other known crop or fish oil.
• High Antioxidant content.
• 2x the protein of any other seed or grain.
• 5x the calcium of milk, plus boron which is a trace mineral that helps transfer calcium into your bones.
• 2x the amount of potassium as bananas.
• 3x more iron than spinach.
• Enzymes!
Next steps
These are only a few of the things I have slowly began to implement into my life of becoming as natural and self sustaining as I can. My next exciting steps will be making homemade toothpaste (also made with coconut oil) and makeup......I will keep you updated on my journey.