Thursday, January 31, 2013

Chicken, Turkey, or Fish

So to help boost my goal to being super healthy and all natural I have decided to cut out any meat that isn't Chicken, turkey, or fish. Surprisingly, not hard at all. You want tacos? Use ground chicken, it's actually much tastier than ground beef. Bacon? Well there is turkey bacon but to me that isn't really satisfying my ultimate goal. So what I have been doing is completly trying new options.

This past weekend I was in portland for work. All weekend I took the vegetarian option instead of the unhealthy meaty option. You know what? Seriously some of the best meals I have had. A had a spinach wrap loaded with vegetables and hummus....AMAZING.

Now why do I feel the need to take out all meats but Chicken, turkey or Fish? It is the affect it has on my meals as a whole. If I didn't take out red meat I would have had sliders for lunch in Portland. Instead? A salad and a crab cake. It was a small meal but by the end I was full. For dinner I was craving that hamburger again, instead I had a turkey sandwhich loaded which red peppers and mushrooms topped with Pita bread and a fruit bowl. Had I not cut out red meat I would not have tried a single one of these meals. You would be surprised what your bad cravings keep you from trying.

For instance, Shawn and I went out for breakfast yesterday. There were the obvious options...biscuits and gravy (yum!) or two eggs bacon and toast. Don't take me wrong those are all noble choices but my goal is to intake healthier options every meal. So I took another look at the menu and found this:

Omelet with crab, red peppers, mushrooms, and onions. Also I only had two potatoes :)
Don't worry guys I'm not delusional this is not the healthiest meal on the block. However from the list its such a great alternative to biscuits and sausage gravy or greasy strips of bacon. It's not about starving's about nutrients.

This week we have been eating way more vegetables and juicing at least 4 cups a day. I feel pretty great guys!

So my challenge to you this week:

Every meal you sit down at or plan try to think alternatively. Instead of hamburger use chicken or add more vegetables. Instead of chips try an orange or carrots and hummus. There are so many alternatives daily that you can take and believe me that craving for bad food? It goes away as soon as you are full of whatever healthy item you chose instead.


  1. Yum!! Now that I cook by myself I've naturally gone to just chicken, pork and fish. Kit was the one always wanting steak! LOL Plus I can't cook a steak to save my life! You'll feel much better! Very proud of you :) We'll have a challenge on our hands to keep eating healthy when I visit!

  2. So proud of you sweetie! It does feel better to eat healthy doesn't it. We too have switched things around drastically, and most of us are loving it. ('most' is the operative word there.haha)

  3. Haha yes Andie we probably will! But we can juice and it helps!

    Haha Christine you have the advantage you always cook such great things that are healthy and look delicious!
