friend represents a world in us, a world not born until they arrive,
and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.
To say I love to travel is an understatement. I HAVE to travel, it's in my bones my very being. If I go too long without some kind of trip I start to get grouchy. Well my fourth trip of this year was to visit one of my best friends Andie in Panama City beach. Her husband Kit, also one of my best friends is currently deployed leaving Andie and Zeus (Their fur child) to discover their new found home without him for a bit. With our combined efforts Andie and I were so lucky to be able to fly me out there to see each other after what has been a very long year!
Coming to see Andie was special for a few reasons. 1st as I stated I had not been able to see her for a year where beforehand we basically lived together. The 2nd reason being that we had not really ever spent much time alone without Kit. We of course had been out together alone but never had an opportunity to spend hours and days just having girl talk. This may sound strange if you don't know me however the story goes that I was actually friends with her Husband first.
Kit and I have been best friends since high school. We both went to a tiny school in the middle of nowhere. Being Kit's friend always kept me sane and looking forward to a future outside of miles and miles of nothing. We were both the same in that we could not wait to go somewhere new. Kit was indeed my only friend that shared the same distaste for keggers in the middle of a hay field with drunk girls and guys using their empty beer bottles for their "chew". I do honestly believe that kid kept me from falling into the deep hole of our small town from which you never come out of. Kit and I remained friends through his first deployment and into college. Our senior year we also decided to break more rules and got an apartment together (What can I say I love a good story). Right after we moved in together he met Andie.
I can still remember me asking him how she felt about him living with a girl. I was terrified for two reasons 1) I couldn't stand the thought of losing him as a friend and 2) I was so afraid being my friend would ruin his chances with a great girl. I cannot tell you how amazingly lucky both Kit and I were. Andie was perfect. Instead of losing a best friend, I gained two. Just as my friendship is with Kit, Andie and my friendship quickly became easy.
During my trip our friendship became even more evident. It was delightful to spend hours with Andie just chatting. We discussed everything under the sun. Friends, family, love, children, life just everything! It brought us closer and opened up my mind to new ideas about fitness, money management, and travel. Just like Kit, Andie keeps me looking to the future and never giving up on my dreams.
Overall my Panama city trip was a gift in that our friendship was able to be strengthened through beer, healthy food, not so healthy food, and our shared fear of jelly fish. I cannot wait until both my beloved friends come to visit me in my favorite city :)
P.S. Although we had a blast there were a few times listening to country music at tootsies where both our hearts grew a little heavy as this reminded us of times in Stilly and the moment did not seem right without Kit. So we missed you Kit, get your butt back home please!
Enjoying free beer at Hofbrau Munchen! Can't wait to enjoy the real version in Germany next summer! |
Loving the Florida Sunset |
Girl chat on the beach |
One of many little restaurants in Seaside FL. |
We take such good photos together :) |
My favorite photo of the trip |
We may seem calm but we were actually freaking out hoping a jelly fish didn't wash up and sting us! They were everywhere!! |
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