Saturday, January 11, 2014

A little money trick

I imagine most of you have seen the new picture floating around pinterest and facebook that prompts you to save money over a 52 week period. Each week you deposit the amount of money equal to the week you are on ex. week 2= $2 Week 52= $52. At first i found this catchy but overall kind of gimicky. I then gave it a second thought, if you were to do this on top of your regular savings what would you do with $1378 at the end of the year?

To make this a little more interesting I have decided to double the money I put in every week and have challenged Shawn to do the same. This would mean at the end of next year we would end up with $5500 with no strings attached to it. We could go on an extra trip, pay off student loans, or maybe just keep saving!

I am challenging all of my friends to try this as well. It is simple and a painless way to save money. We will be putting it in a Mason Jar so we can have a visual reminder of our saving success!

Good luck and Happy New Year!


  1. Omg I LOVE this idea! Great post girl!

  2. Thanks Bethany! Andie no! We won't touch it until the end of the year! Maybe a second trip for 2015??
